The following articles are excerpts from "What's Up Dachs?", the seasonally published newsletter of the Dachshund Circus!! For additional information on subscribing to the "What's Up Dachs?" Newsletter or to obtain a free sample, send email to Jane Manturi .
Winter Dachshund-land by Jane and Dan Manturi Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty by Jane Manturi Doxie "Tails" by Pam Finn Remember Your Pet in Your Will by Jane Manturi Homeopathy--Alternative Healthcare for Your Pets! by Jane Manturi Natural Flea Collar That You Can Make by Isabel Gordon Dachsie Shows Gator Who is Boss! in Boca Raton Sun Magazine (1/10/95)
Warning! Please be Careful! by Jane Manturi
By Renee Hamilton Webmaster's note: Renee and Bob Hamilton were attending the Isleton Crawdad Festival in California at the time of Bob's courageous act. Phrank is a standard black and tan smooth dachshund. Bob and I decided to take a break and go back to where we were staying, then go back into town in the evening. We sat around a bit, fed the kids, then Bob decided it would be nice to take a little walk. We wandered around the park we were staying in, met the owner and their doxie Heidi. Then decided to stroll down a trail in the field by the park.
Geesh, he's never been in them before, but for those of you who have, you can just imagine. I got him pulled out and we both just stood there hurting. I only had nettle across the back of my legs and on my hands. He had it all over the front of his legs, all over his arms and hands. Plus, he looked almost as bad as poor Phrank! We walked back to our cabin and cleaned up - poor Phrank had some neetle on the insides of his legs and on his feet. What a mess!! I firmly believe though, if Bob hadn't jumped in, Phrank wouldn't be with us today. Therefore, for bravery and courage in saving our Phrankie, I nominate him for the Dachshund Badge of Courage (BG). By Jane and Dan Manturi This goes to the same tune as Winter Wonderland - Hope you all figure out what the words are that have *** in them Enjoy!!
Snowin' out,
A depressing sight
When it snows
It's a matter of time
I'm proud, I'm strong, I'm fast
Maybe they think its funny...
This snow is so dense
They get mad cause I don't like it outside
Big goose bumps
It's really not nice By Jane Manturi Seems there is a homeless fellow named Charlie that spends a lot of time out by the market that Jeff Blakeslee and her Mom go to. He had a dog for a while and then someone took her from his "camp". Jeff and her Mom took Charlie out to the local shelter to see if "Nibbles" was out there, but no luck. When they returned to the market the following week, Charlie was there with a "new" friend, a little shepherd mix female about 5-6 weeks old. They told him when they had the money, they would take her to their vet for her shots. They went out again to the market,picked up "Gypsy" and took her to their vet. Everyone at the Vets' thought they had gotten a new puppy. Jeff and her Mom told them about "Charlie", how this was his dog and what they were doing for him. The Vet looked Gypsy over, gave her the sbots; temp was perfect; gave her a light dusting for fleas; said he'd like to have a stool sample to check for worms; and to bring her back in three weeks. When Jeff went to check out, Kim (the girl at the vets) gave them two bags of "puppy food" looked at the chart and said, "There's no cbarge for today." As Jeff put it "This kind of restores your faitb in people." By Pam Finn One afternoon I took a fresh loaf of French bread out of the bread machine and left it to cool on a rack on the kitchen table. I got 3 long telephone calls in a row and when I returned to the bread on the table!!! Where did it go???? Was there a BREAD THIEF in the neighborhood??? NO!!!!!! Just 2 PIGGY Doxies with tummies exploding!!! Seems mommy left a chair away from the table and Snoopy the explorer cheeked out the stuff on the kitehen table "WOW!!!", he said, "A fresh bread!!! Lets CHOW DOWN!!!" So he pushed it to the floor and he and Charlie had a FEAST!! Not a crumb left!! Next day, I decide to make a chicken soup with 3 chickens (I freeze some) After cooking and cooking, smart mommy thinks, "Hey its only 3 degrees out! I can cool the soup outside in the breezeway!!!!" So I strain the soup into MANY plastic containers and place them on a tray and put them in the breezeway on a SMALL table to cool. This was unknown to daddy and when the boys ask for out, NO PROBLEM!!! After a few minutes when the boys don't want in..daddy finds a breezeway floor COVERED in chicken soup with two HAPPY doxies licking like CRAZY!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO SCRAPE FROZEN, GREASY CHICKEN SOUP OFF A WOODEN FLOOR IN 3 DEGREE WEATHER?????
Love and Licks, By Jane Manturi Remember to include your pets in your will to make sure that they are taken care of properly should you leave them unexpectedly. MAKE SURE that who you leave this responsibility to can be trusted to follow your wishes concerning their care. If you are married, have a follow up person who you can trust should a tragedy take both of you. In your will or trust put information regarding Rescue organizations such as DCA Rescue, address, phone numbers, etc. Should a person who is left with the resonsibility of taking care of your pets, cannot take care of them, they will know who to contact for help. Be Prepared! By Jane Manturi (Webmaster's note: This website and the author of this article are not responsible for the homeopathic remedies given in this article. As in all cases where there may be serious illness or doubt, it is recommended that a veterinarian be consulted. Homeopathic holistic vets can be found if you wish to treat your pet is this manner.) Homeopathy has been making a strong comeback lately and I felt that it would be beneficial to all to write about the effects of this alternative health care and share some of what I know about it. It is no surprise that this very old form of self health care is making a strong comeback since it has been around for some 200 years. It is widely practiced overseas and the Royal family themselves have had their own homeopath on staff for as long as they have been around. Simply put, it works! Ask my Tito, he’ll tell you all about it. Ask me and I’ll tell you it works also. Many skeptics will disagree and shrug off the homeopathic success as a placebo effect. I simply ask them to tell my dog just what a placebo is so he’ll know that the reason he is feeling better is not because homeopathy works, but because “he thinks” it works therefore, he gets better...Sorry but my dog does not know a placebo from a milk bone. He is better because it works and it’s just that simple! The following are highlights from an article that appeared in Homeopathy Today, a homeopathic newsletter put out by the NIH (National Institute of Homeopathy) of which I am a member. (Webmaster’s note: Due to copyright restrictions, I’m going to have to paraphrase and edit). You have to be a member in order to get the newsletter. It is more like a magazine. Enjoy the article. Try the remedies and see if in fact your pet can be helped without the use of drugs and steroids. I do recommend that you find yourself a good homeopathic holistic vet for any illness that may be of a serious nature. Resources will be listed at the end of this article for your reference. The following is from the July 1994 issue of Homeopathy Today following a conference that they had.
Ilse Gariss spoke about how she was introduced to homeopathy when a homeopathic veterinarian helped her childhood pet turtle. A Rhodesian Ridgeback, stricken with pneumonia was about to put down when she treated and cured it with a dose of Carbo veg 200c. She also successfully treated a cat who had thrombosis of the femoral artery with Lachesis. You must be more perceptive treating animals than when treating humans, although it is similar. Smell is important because illness changes an animal's odour. Also, you must watch for changes in the animal's body language and fur texture. Ilse administers the remedies by squashing the tablets to a powder. (Editor Jane’s note: I just drop the little pellet like pills in between the gum and cheek. This is also acceptable.) She also uses tinctures for external conditions, particularly Calendula and Hypericum for abrasions and bruises, and Euphrasia for conjunctivitis. Blood studies are useful in telling you what to treat since the animal can’t tell you the problem. Specific veterinary uses of the remedies--Here are a number of specific tips that Ilse mentioned:
Ilse gave some general breed constitutional remedies:
German Shepherd--Lycopodium The follwing remedies are ones that I have personally used with success in regards to my own pets.
The following books are fantastic resources for anyone who wishes to start using homeopathy for their pets. They can be purchased through any good health food store or through the publisher listed below:
Books:Dogs: Homeopathic Remediesby: George Macleod $10.95
Veterinary Materia Medica
The Treatment of Dogs by Homeopathy The above books can be purchased through--Forumur, Inc. Publishers, 4200 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, Missouric, 63108, United States, phone: (314) 533-9600 A couple of good publications to subscribe to for the more "Natural" approach in treating your pets are"Natural Pet Magazine" and "Natural Rearing Newsletter". Both are excellent resources for information pertaining to a more "Natural" way to treat your pets. I save every issue so that I can refer to any issue for any problems that may arise.
Natural Pet Magazine
Natural Rearing Newsletter For a couple of good sources for Homeopathic remedies in single dosages and combination remedies and Natural supplements for pets call or write for their free catalog below:
Standard Homeopathic Company
Thomas Laboratories
By Isabel Gordon 1 soft cloth collar Add 1 drop each of the following essential oils: Cedarwood, Lavendar, Citronella, Thyme To 1/2 (half) a teaspoon alcohol as a carrier, mix with 4 garlic caps OR You may substitute 2 drops of the following mixture for the garlic caps
1 teaspoon veg oil The essential oil people like a purer alcohol than distilled alcohol and use Christian Brothers Brandy as a carrier but I suppose regular alcohol as we know it is OK. If you use the garlic caps, cut them open and add to the mix of essential oils. Mix well and pour down the length of the collar. Let dry. Should work for one month. Sun Magazine of Boca Raton, Florida, on 1/10/95 A huge alligator swallowed a plucky dachshund who promptly chewed her way out. The eleven foot gator was found floating belly up in the pond the next day, and Daisy, who's obviously a lot tougher than she looks, was back pawing at her family's door. "The dog didn't have a mark on her, since the gator gulped her down whole. At first I really thought she was a ghost," says Melanie Nelson, whose son, Mark, nine , saw the gator snatch Daisy as she chased a ball next to the pond behind their house in the swampy country near Everglades City. But Daisy went straight to her dish and the family knew they had their pet back. "We'd lost dogs to gators before" Melanie recalls. "It's a hazard of living out here. But this is the first one who has ever come back." She took Daisy to her vet, who explained that if any dog could chew its way out of an alligator, it would be a dachshund. "They are a lot feister than they look," says Nelson. "The vet says they were bred to go down a hole and kill badgers. Also, Daisy didn't need to make too big of a hole to get out. She's very low to the ground." by Jane Manturi A short time ago Helen Hamilton called me and asked me to write an article about things our dogs can get into that will cause them harm or even death. She then proceeded to tell me of the unfortunate passing of one of her pups that was bought by some very cary people. These people are VERY responsible pet owners who loved their dog dearly! What happened was a tragic accident and could happen to anyone of us. Helen asked me to mention this to help make people aware of the many (sometimes unsavory) things our doxies (pets) can get into. In this particular case, the little doxie got into the garbage in the bathroom and "got into" a sanitary napking. (I know it's gross but keep in mind dogs wil be dogs). She ingested some of the material that this was made out of, including the plastic shield and became very ill. This material is not digestible! She started to throw up, acting sick not eating, etc. She was brought to the vet right away and there was a blockage of matter that had to be removed. She had surgery but the plastic material worked its way into the small intestine and started to cause an infection. She was operated on Thursday brought home and passed away on that Sunday. She is now at Rainbow Bridge with all of our lil doxies that have passed on. The family was devasted and probably still are. So BE AWARE that dogs will be dogs and as we all know they will get into anything! So if you suspect that your dog has gotten into something he/she should not have gotten into , watch for the warning signs and bring them to a vet immediately! They will start to act sickly, throw up, not eat, etc. I remember reading online of someone's Golden Retriever who suffocated with his head in a potato chip bag! Apparently it was left on the table and with a window being opened it blew the partially filled bag onto the floor where the dog proceeded to eat the chips. With his head in the bag he could not breath, paniced and thus he suffocated. How tragic to come home and fidn thjis waiting for you. It can happen to anyone--So Be Aware! Here are some items to watch out for...
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Last modified on Friday, November 17, 2000. |